Welcome to Somatic Resonance, where we stop silencing the body and finally treat it like the friend & teacher it is.

Begin with the introduction below, to learn out how the course works, how you might approach it, and how to orient yourself through it—or skip directly ahead to the mini-course:

Introducing the Course

Begin the actual course with these 5 pages: this section serves as its own mini-course, introducing the main principles and practices to which the rest of the course will add depth and flavor:

0. Somatic Resonance

1. What is Most Central

2. Un-Mediating the Body

3. Finding Spontaneity

4. Exploratory Humility

5. Footnotes to the Soma

Coda: My Ulterior Motives

From there, choose a trail guide based on your interests and inclination (or, if you’re feeling wild, dive directly into the forest below ):

The Bunny Slope

Recommended for absolute beginners who aren’t sure where to start—and for anyone who feels like they’d like a simpler on-ramp to the practices

The Practice-First Trail

Recommended especially for those who would like to find the experience before theorizing on that experience.

The Theory First Trail

Not necessarily recommended for anyone, but if you’re going to do it anyway here’s a good starting point on the heady stuff. Remember that especially when it comes to the soma, too much systematic theorizing can be an obstacle if not paired with deep practice.

River’s Special House Blend

A personal blend that will likely move and shift over time—more practice-heavy, but including some of the essential theory and frameworks that feel most helpful and/or delightful to me.

What Next?

If you’re ever feeling lost, frustrated, unsure, or just feeling like you have questions that need answers, come back to the What Next page.

You can also go off-trail and forge directly into the forest of pages, videos, and practices—choose how to navigate it for yourself. I’d recommend navigating it using the “Spirals 1-5” tags (explained here), but I’ve included other views as well. Have fun, I’ll see you inside:

View Forest :

1. Spiral View