Somatic Resonance-1FINAL.mp4

I have a huge amount to say about the somatic aspects of working with the unconscious in general, and with dreams in particular — as you might imagine, given that my main offering is a Somatic Resonance course. That said, and because I have a tendency to sprawl, I’m going to try to keep the somatic aspects of this course pretty focused and direct.

The following are a few propositions about the body and the unconscious that you might find either a) fully obvious, b) potentially possible, or c) deranged. Whatever your feelings about them in general, I should note that holding each of them at least as a provisional belief opens up a huge range of possibilities in working with the unconscious:

There’s no need to take any of these points as gospel truth, or to start beating yourself up for the ways you might fall short of them; but moving forward, it’s helpful if you can make space to provisionally treat them as true, or at least be open to seeing if there’s a helpful kernel of truth in them.

Here are some of the possibilities we open up when we do so:

Intellect & Intuition

Intuitive Soma-Kinetics (ISK)

Navigating Dream-Space


Navigating Desire

And here are some practices to help us open up into deeper somatic resonance, in ways that help us communicate with the unconscious.


Somatic Scenery