Drop into somatic meditation, at whatever level feels available right now.

Call to mind an intense recent event in your life—maybe a particularly challenging event, or a particularly joyful one.

Hold the impression of the event in your soma, in the spacious non-judgmental openness of spontaneous experience. Hold it there until your head-self has let go of the need to “have thoughts” about it. Hold the impression in the soma.

Now, in whatever ways feel right, drop this question into the impression of the event: what wants to happen here?

Explore not only how you reacted in the event, but also what other reactions might have wanted to come out of you. Feel into what the other people in the event may have wanted to happen. Feel into what the event itself might have wanted from you.

Allow the impression of the event to unfold in its own way, returning again and again to this inquiry: what wants to happen here?

As you get a feel for this sense-stream, this sense of What Wants to Happen—allow it to permeate more areas of your life. Feel into it as you navigate your day. Re-visit dreams with the prompt in mind. Sense into the relational space between you and others, asking what that space wants from both you and them.

Allow this sense to hone itself, and notice both

  1. How it feels in the soma, to notice these things; and
  2. If you can sense more clearly What the Soma Wants to Happen.