<aside> 💭 Notes

In each section below, the text and the audio cover the same material. I’m including both for convenience and in case you have a preference, but if you’d like, you could either go through with the audio and skip the text, or go through the text and skip the audio.

Also note that my attitude towards guided practices — written or spoken — is that they are training wheels to help you get used to the structure on your first attempt or two. Once you know the pattern, it’s best if you try it solo, finding your own rhythm, making the practice your own.


In this exercise, we’re going to dip into the imaginal in a way that balances guidance and direction on the one hand, with personal agency and autonomy on the other. I don’t want to start off your engagement with the imaginal by putting you in the habit of listening to anyone else more than you listen to your own instincts and intuition.

You’ll want a piece of paper and a pen for the exercise below. And before we start the exercise, let’s ask the root question:

Intro - final.mp3

What Do We Mean By Imaginal?

What Is Imaginal - final.mp3

Find What Wants You

IL 3 (What Wants You).mp3

Sense In, Drop In

sense in - final.mp3


Follow - Final.mp3

Reflect, Integrate

Journal - final.mp3


Conclusion - final.mp3

I want to finish by repeating and expanding the Jung quote I used above, both to summarize and clarify some things about this practice: