“What are we doing here?” is a fair question.

There are a lot of practices here, tactics for befriending the soma.

There are a lot of theory pages: frames and strategies for approaching intimacy with the soma.

But the question at the root remains: Why befriend the soma? Why approach intimacy?

In some ways, this is a difficult question, because everyone’s answer will be different. No two people will integrate somatic resonance in the same way. No two paths will unfold the same way.

The body is a starting point for ten thousand thousand trails, and only by moving into somatic resonance can we find the trail specific to us.

No, that’s imprecise. We don’t find it. —Only by befriending the soma can we notice and give ourselves to the trail that we are already on.

In some ways, this is an easy question—because amid everyone’s different and curiously specific answers, there’s a unity to what becomes possible for each of us when we befriend the resonant soma:

Somatic Resonance is the art of being present with what is already the case.

When we hide from who we are, from what we’re doing, from what’s unfolding in our lives—when we silence entire regions of our experience, everything seems foggy. It seems impossible to know who we are or where we’re headed.

Somatic Resonance seeks to put us in relationship with the body, such that we are no longer silencing our experience; such that we aren’t hiding from what’s unfolding.

When we can be present with what is already here, with what our life already is—then we can see that we’ve already been on a trail for a long time. And we can see how little point there is in trying to manipulate or alter that trail, or to wish for someone else’s.

In a lot of ways, that’s when our journey begins: the moment we realize we’ve been on this journey for a long time already.