Remember, it’s good to get in the habit where you
In any skill you become competent at, there’s a feeling of flow that becomes available sometimes.
In music, this can be described as “it feels less like you are playing the music, and more like the music is playing you.”
It’s like there’s a little groove in the universe you’ve tucked yourself into, where things are less about what you want to do, less about you controlling the situation — and more about what the situation wants, about surrendering and using your skillfulness in service to what wants to happen.
Just like with music, it takes a lot of practice and skill and time to reach a flow with this kind of experience — but you can begin, in dream return, by looking at the situation and feeling into the question: what does this situation want? Is there something that wants to be done here, some action or idea the situation is begging to arise?
Try this out in your next few dream returns. See what you notice. Write it down, and reflect on how to keep moving deeper in this direction.