While dreams are an important (and oh so plentiful) practice ground for imaginal work, as well as a good source of native content from the deep psyche — everything we talk about in this course applies well beyond dreams.

If you’re interested in the imaginal, the mythopoetic, the unconscious and the deep imagination, but you’d rather not work with dreams specifically, that’s perfectly fine. Of course, I’d encourage you to challenge yourself, work with dreams for awhile, and see if they surprise you. But in the end, everything I say in this course about dream return is just as valid when applied to any other kind of image work or imaginal journeying.

If you want to go through this course without looking at your own dreams, instead choosing to work with memories, somatic scenery, shamanic journeying, and inner narrative, you’re welcome to it and you’ll find that all the advice and techniques work pretty much out of the box for each of those.