This is my own simple practice, and the name is something of an accident, a pet name I gave it that has stuck. The word "hale" has very strong associations for me: it evokes something about health, wholeness, strength, healing, and a simple, matter-of-fact groundedness. So for now, try to feel that sense with me as I sketch the broad strokes:
- Lie down on the floor, get comfortable, and feel free to move and shift. Feel no obligation to hold yourself in savasana or stay flat on your back or anything else. Keep a sense of your body, and let it move how it wants throughout.
- Move your awareness through parts of your body, one by one. You are listening to each part to sense what is there—does your left foot want attention? Is there giddiness in your calf? Are the thighs hard to hear?
- Don't try too much to "fix" anything, starting out. Just listen, feel what's there, and before moving on say some version of "I hear you, thank you for telling me that" to each body part. Do this even if you don't "hear" much of anything, even if a part is too numb or too "staticky" to get a message from. Thank it for expressing that numbness, for expressing that static.
- Once every body part has had its say, and you've acknowledged and thanked each of them, call to mind an image/impression of good, steady health. Of healing. Of wholeness.
- This will be different for everyone, and will likely change for each person over time. Some possibilities include:
- a healing white light running through your body
- an image of a man climbing a cliff face as the sun rises behind him
- a forest dense with life and healing herbs
- a grandmother smiling at a baby in her arms
- etc
- Whatever your image is, spend a significant amount of time "shining" it all through your body and awareness. However your body may want to move and shift during this, let it.
- Take at least 10+ minutes to let this image, this impression of total well-being, permeate your awareness, your body, your tissue, your experience. Notice how this feels physically, emotionally, energetically.
- When you're ready to come out of it, give your body a few good, expansive stretches, like you're wringing out a wet rag. Feel the aliveness spreading through your limbs, and get creative about how you move your body for the next few minutes. Let bodily instinct take the reins.
Next Steps:
Sleep is awesome, no need to problematize it