On the one hand, it’s helpful to lay out some of the ideas and experiences this Somatic Resonance course is responding to (and in some cases, reacting against).

On the other hand, I don’t want us to spend too much time and energy focusing on “problems.” So let’s do the quick view-from-10,000-feet version.

First, there’s the “wrong user manual” issues:

Then there are the “engineer-brain” issues:

and then there are the “McMindfulness” issues:

There are other minor issues, but those are the big ones. None of them is all-consuming or a reason to run away from all meditation—but put together, they go a long way towards explaining why so many people who try meditating end up getting disenchanted with or actively harmed by the process.

Part of my goal here is to provide instruction that’s more directly pointed at the modern experience of the body, and to nudge meditation away from the domain of the Systematic mode, drawing it closer to the Spontaneous mode.